Ashraf, or Raf, is the newest member of our team here at Surf Star, and we’re already loving his happy energy and upbeat, positive vibes! He’s always there with an encouraging word and and reminds us to have FUN on the waves. Originally from Casablanca, we’re glad he moved here to Tamraght.

How long have you worked at Surf Star?
– Since Christmas – a few weeks ago
How long have you been surfing for? Where did you learn?
– Since 2004 – I learnt at Ain Diab, in Casablanca – it means Fox Eyes. I lived near there
How would you describe your style of surfing?
– Freestyle – I’m happy on long boards and short boards

Which pro surfer do like?
– Jamie O’Brian and Andy Irons, but he’s passed away unfortunately
Which is your favourite surf spot in Morocco?
– Rass Lafaa, in Safi – it means the Head of the Snake. Because I love big waves.
What do you like about teaching people to surf?
– When I find people happy riding the waves. When I see their smile, I feel like I’m doing my job perfectly.